KAP/KELPA State Testing
KAP stands for Kansas Assessment Program. KELPA stand for Kansas English Language Proficiency Assessment.
These two assessments take place ever year in order to monitor our student’s growth and compare their achievment against normed standards.
It is crucial that students attend school on the days of state assesments. The schedule for 2022 is below:
The Kansas Assessment Program (KAP) includes a variety of tests and other tools aligned to the Kansas statewide curriculum standards. KAP tests and tools are designed to support educators and policymakers in evaluating student learning, as well as to meet the requirements for federal and state accountability.
The Kansas Assessment Program tests are developed by University of Kansas’ Achievement and Assessment Institute (AAI). AAI develops and administers educational testing programs that translate industry-leading research into real-world solutions in an effort to assist teachers in identifying strategies that will help students reach their greatest potential. AAI has worked with the Kansas Board of Education for more than 30 years providing quality tests for Kansas students.
Here is guide for accessing your student’s scores: https://ksassessments.org/sites/default/files/documents/Kite/Parent_Portal_User_Guide.pdf