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What do I do all day?  Here is a summary of my duties that I perform to help your student succeed in every way!

  • advisement and appraisal for academic planning
  • coordination and academic advising for new students n coordinating paperwork and data entry of all new students n interpreting cognitive, aptitude and achievement tests
  • providing counseling to students who are tardy or absent
  • providing counseling to students who have disciplinary problems
  • providing short-term individual and small-group counseling services to students
  • consulting with teachers to schedule and present school counseling curriculum lessons based on developmental needs and needs identified through data
  • interpreting student records
  • analyzing grade-point averages in relationship to achievement
  • consulting with teachers about building classroom connections, effective classroom management and the role of noncognitive factors in student success
  • protecting student records and information per state and federal regulations
  • consulting with the school principal to identify and resolve student issues, needs and problems 
  • advocating for students at individual education plan meetings, student study teams and school attendance review boards, as necessary

The Syracuse Student Council (STUCO) is the body of the Counselor’s Advisory Council.  This council is a representation of stakeholders who wish to provide input on the counseling curriculum.  If you are an adult who would like to participate in the Advisory Council and its decision making process, please email the counselor at  The council meets the Lecture Hall the second Monday in a semester to select SEL goals and discuss prevalent issues. 

ASCA recomends that a counselor spend 80% of their time with a student in direct services!

If you are a student seeking counseling services, Click Here.

If you are a parent/guardian, please email me at with your questions and concerns!



Define Manage Deliver  Assess
There are 3 sets of standards that a school counselor operates under!  What does a school counselor do?   Under what circumstances would your child visit a school counselor? How can we determine the effectiveness of the school counseling program?